Smart decision: Understanding the process and key factors for effective decision making




decisions, process, alternatives, organizational environment, objectives


This research highlights the importance of taking into consideration the decision-making process, since this can determine the success or failure of an organization. Over time, multiple approaches and methodologies have been developed for making decisions, but this time emphasis is placed on a simple but structured method of the decision-making process, whether of a personal or organizational nature. The objective of the article is to highlight the importance of the decision-making process in the success or failure of an organization. The article focuses on a simple but structured method for making decisions, whether personal or organizational. Through this approach, the article seeks to provide a deeper understanding of how effective decisions can be made and how this process can influence the outcome of an organization. The methodology used to prepare this essay was the bibliographic review, which is based on documentary research, with a qualitative approach that involved the critical analysis of the selected bibliographic sources.


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How to Cite

Sánchez, D. (2023). Smart decision: Understanding the process and key factors for effective decision making. Latin American Journal of Social Sciences - Relacis, 2(1), 43-58.

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