Looks of rural youth in Mexico





urban, rural, youth


2023 a year in which the expansion of technology has completely blurred communication barriers. Faced with this reality that has permeated the forms of interaction and development of the young population, this essay presents and compares the opportunities with respect to young people who live in the rural environment versus the urban environment. Through a series of 3 key aspects: Education, Mental Health, Gender. They describe and develop the situations faced by the first group in each of these areas. Through a digital questionnaire applied to the group grown within the city, opinion comments are obtained, the knowledge they have about the subject is evident; As a result, they also recognize the advantage of their possibilities to achieve their objectives. With this work it is assumed that it is important to maintain and create spaces for constant reflection, which are making visible a persistent problem of opportunities for the rural social sector. Therefore, it is necessary to encourage youth in the urban environment to learn about these facts, not just this specific one, but also facts of a social nature, allowing them to be discussed and offered alternatives.


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How to Cite

Herrera Aguilar, J. M. (2023). Looks of rural youth in Mexico. Latin American Journal of Social Sciences - Relacis, 2(1), 59-70. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11148475