Journal Policy

Latin American Journal of Humanities and Educational Divergences (ISSN 2955-8891, on line) is a biannual open access journal that disseminates and promotes the study of the arts, humanities and education. The journal receives and publishes unpublished and original works of a scientific nature that are mainly addressed to the scientific community. In addition, the journal uses the double-blind peer review system, is guided by the ethical guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and is edited by the Grupo J. J. San Marcos (Peru).


The journal aims to disseminate and promote the study of topics related to the arts, humanities and education, in order to approach reality from a critical perspective and transform it.

Focus and scope

The journal's focus is on the arts, humanities (communication, cultural studies, language and linguistics, literature and literary theory, philosophy) and education. Thus, Latin American Journal of Humanities and Educational Divergences publishes scientific articles, essays, letters to the editor, book reviews and, eventually, interviews that discuss relevant problems of Latin America and the whole world.

The published contents are addressed to members of the scientific community, as well as to anyone interested in the published topics.


The journal is currently published twice a year, with two issues per year, although special issues are also published. The issues correspond to the periods January-June and July-December and are generally published in June and December of each year.

Publication languages

The journal accepts and publishes manuscripts in four languages: Spanish, English, Portuguese and French. Spanish being the preferred language. On the other hand, in case a manuscript is published in the last two languages, it will have a title and abstract in English.

Originality of the shipment

The journal only accepts original and unpublished manuscripts that are not simultaneously in any review process by other organizations.

Peer review process

Original manuscripts received by the journal are first reviewed by the editorial team (in coordination with the guest editors of specialized dossiers, as the case may be). If approved, they are submitted to a double-blind peer review process, i.e., neither the authors nor the reviewers know each other's identity. Regardless of the result, the authors receive the reviewers' opinions in writing for their consideration. In the event that the reviewers have contradictory opinions, a third reviewer whose identity is also concealed is used. In all cases, the final decision to accept the manuscript rests with the editor-in-chief of the journal. To guarantee independence and impartiality, reviewers are chosen on the basis of their experience, reputation, trajectory and expertise in the subject matter of the dossier, giving priority to those reviewers who are external to the journal's editorial team. The evaluation period generally lasts from two to six months.

Instructions for authors

In order In order to ensure the quality of the content published by the journal, the following Author Giuidelines are established.

Publication ethics

In order to promote ethical conduct among all participants linked to the journal, the following ethical guidelines are established based on the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE):

  1. Reporting irregularities and complaints: in the event that a participant reports, regardless of the medium used, the occurrence of an irregularity or complaint during any editorial management process, this will be communicated directly to the editor-in-chief, who will take the corresponding decision. The journal takes seriously the observations on inappropriate conduct, both before and after publication. The anonymity of the reporting actor is guaranteed.
  2. Authorship and contributions: authors should clearly define who are co-authors, ensuring that all persons and/or organizations that made significant contributions are duly indicated in the content of the manuscript. Likewise, the journal notifies all the authors indicated in the manuscript of its entry into the editorial management process.
  3. Monitoring: research involving vulnerable populations or studies on human subjects must clearly explain and detail in the content of the manuscript the compliance with ethical considerations that respect the autonomy and dignity of individuals, for example, the use of informed consent. In the field of animal research, the author should clearly indicate compliance with regulations that guarantee the ethical treatment of animals.
  4. Impartiality: the journal is committed to ensure that all reviews of a manuscript are conducted in an impartial manner, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, nationality or political ideology of the authors. Likewise, editorial confidentiality is guaranteed, prohibiting the disclosure of information to unauthorized persons. The use of unpublished materials for personal research by the editor requires the express consent of the author, and confidentiality is maintained in peer review, avoiding its use for personal gain. A review process based on fair and impartial decisions is sought, ensuring equity and transparency in each evaluation.
  1. Corrections and feedback: If the author of an already published manuscript wishes to make a correction of any kind, he/she should send an email to the Editor-in-Chief of the journal. In addition, any comments on published manuscripts can be communicated through the journal's social network (or by sending an email to
  2. Conflict of interest: editors and/or reviewers should refrain from making decisions when:
  • There is a direct and recent connection between author and reviewer.
  • The reviewer or editor has collaborated in the submitted manuscript.
  • Impartiality may be compromised if the editor or reviewer has a financial interest, either personal or related to competition.
  • If the content of the manuscript is intended to promote the use of products or services promoted by any organization, including the publisher of the journal.
  1. Research data: If the data from which a manuscript was prepared are needed, the author of the manuscript should be contacted at the email address provided in the manuscript.
  2. Presentation guidelines: If the research topic of a manuscript has an accepted standard for the presentation of content in that field of research, the journal will allow its use

Detection and prevention of plagiarism

The journal performs a similarity analysis of the manuscripts received through the Turnitin program. This, in order to identify possible cases of plagiarism. Authors must ensure that any material taken from other sources is properly cited and referenced.

Copyright and licensing information

The journal applies the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY NC ND) license to published content. Authors retain copyright to their manuscripts. At the same time, the author grants the journal the right of first publication and, in a non-exclusive manner, the right of exploitation (copyright), including reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation. The use of this license is in line with the Open Access policy of the journal, as it is the most open license, considered the "gold standard" of Open Access. A summary of this license can be found at

Publishing Fees and Article Processing Charges (APC)

The journal does not charge any fees or article processing charges.


The journal implements an open access policy, guaranteeing that the contents of the published dossiers are available to any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, link the complete texts of the articles, or use them for any other legal purpose. As long as the authorship of the content is duly noted.


To guarantee the preservation and access to the digital content of the journal, the following actions have been implemented:

  • Archiving manuscripts in the Zenodo repository.
  • Use of the LOCKSS system as a means of creating a storage system for preservation and restoration purposes.
  • Backup copies of the archives.
  • Use of the open source software Open Journal Systems (OJS) as the main platform for editorial management.
  • Application of the Open Archive Initiative-Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PHM) interoperability protocol, which is compatible with OJS.

Auto archive

Authors may deposit published versions of their manuscripts in institutional repositories or other platforms of their choice.