A Society Without Philosophy is an Unthinking Society





philosophy, humanities, domination, cancellation, critical thinking


The article is a kind of manifesto in defense of the philosophy that is once again the object of a capitalist attack. As in the comprehensive reforms in upper secondary education in 2008 and 2013, it is in danger, once again, of being erased from the curriculum. On those occasions it was rescued and even, in the first year mentioned, the Philosophical Observatory of Mexico historically managed to have it taught in the technological subsystem. However, in the current year, this risk is more than latent with the publication of the Secretarial Agreement 08/17/22 where the philosophical subjects of Logic, Ethics and Introduction to Philosophy would form part of the new Humanities subject, according to the complaint Philosophical Association of Mexico. Once again, the neoliberal logic prevails, as in Socratic times and at the dawn of modernity, that philosophy is not productive, it is useless and it is only a curricular complement, when UNESCO itself and Sylvia Eyzaguirre in Chile have declared themselves in favor of the need to teach it from initial levels. Now the urgency is, at least, to keep it where it was, because its contribution is invaluable to the critical, moral and integral development of the person, besides that we will avoid forming mere voyeurists or spectators of the society of the spectacle to which they will be subjected where they are not. there will be a sense of values and they will be confused, favoring domination and violence.


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How to Cite

A Society Without Philosophy is an Unthinking Society (X. Torrescano Lecuona & M. Meza Díaz , Trans.). (2022). Latin American Journal of Humanities and Educational Divergences, 1(1), 63-73. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10782619