The governance knot: The swing of power in the trajectories of participation




region, discourse, objectification, genealogy, cultural practices


This article reflects on how the production and use of the term governance becomes a device of power when it is used as part of the processes and ways of governing. Highlight its function as producer and regulator of participation by elucidating a series of heterogeneous situations around the Region of El Triunfo, Chiapas. Starting from the methodology of grounded theory and the category of participation, we will expose, through some Foucaultianas tools around power relations, theoretical and analytical aspects of the functionality of governance as a device from recovering a sociohistorical perspective of power relations in the region. From a processual perspective that goes from a macrosocial operation to regional processes, the problem is posed: of the limitations that exist, or not, to analyze the knot that is interwoven between processes-forms of government, cultural forms and knowledge production. in relation to governance.


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How to Cite

The governance knot: The swing of power in the trajectories of participation (. M. M. Torres Alvarez , Trans.). (2024). Latin American Journal of Humanities and Educational Divergences, 3(1), 3-16.