Ontic-ontological Controversies on the Concept of Historicity





historicity, ontology, Heidegger, Marcuse, Dilthey


Starting from an introductory analysis on the different interpretations of historicity (Geschichtlichkeit) in the works of W. Dilthey, P. Yorck von Wartenburg and M. Heidegger, it is considered the way in which this polemic was received by the young H. Marcuse (1). In his discussion with the German sociology (K. Mannheim, S. Landshut, H. Freyer), Marcuse intends to continue the project of including historicity in the human sciences initiated by Dilthey with an ontological orientation stemming from Heidegger (2). If he first interprets G. W. F. Hegel from parameters close to the philosophy of life (Dilthey) and fundamental ontology (Heidegger), as he approaches the work of K. Marx, the ontological and vitalist approach gives way to a materialist approach, where concepts such as reason, mediation, freedom and actuality acquire a preponderant role (3).


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How to Cite

Ontic-ontological Controversies on the Concept of Historicity (J. Magnet Colomer , Trans.). (2023). Latin American Journal of Humanities and Educational Divergences, 2(2), 4-23. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10789597