Take Care and Educate Ourselves to the Madness of the Present. For an “Art of Living” with Technologies





Stiegler, Guattari, disruption, pharmacology, thinking/caring


In this essay we analyse the state of health of contemporary reason, and in particular, its becoming stupid with respect to its relationship with technologies. If the symptomatological part of the text is woven into a confrontation  between the analyses of Félix Guattari and those of Bernard Stiegler, in order to highlight the condition of impossibility of thinking and acting that actually seems to immobilize the individuals (psychic and collective), the pars construens  will be built in line with Stiegler’s “positive pharmacology” and his proposals to take care of reason, with and through technologies, both in society and in educational institutions, and thus make possible the necessary change that would project us towards a new art of living.


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How to Cite

Take Care and Educate Ourselves to the Madness of the Present. For an “Art of Living” with Technologies (S. Baranzoni , Trans.). (2022). Latin American Journal of Humanities and Educational Divergences, 1(2), 74-93. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10783070