
Latin American Journal of Humanities and Educational Divergences is a biannual open access publication, edited by Grupo J. J. San Marcos (Peru), which aims to disseminate research in the field of humanities and education that questions critical topics about society. contemporary, in order to contribute to its fair, symmetrical and dignified transformation. The magazine receives unpublished and original works of a scientific nature, especially scientific articles (qualitative and/or quantitative research, as well as conceptual reflections), book reviews and eventually interviews.

For the call for its second issue, the Magazine organizes a dossier on “Phenomenology and critical theory” with researchers César Pineda Saldaña (Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla) and Borja García Ferrer (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) as guest editors.

This monograph seeks to undertake an approach to the link between two of the most influential philosophical currents of the 20th century, clarifying their possible assemblages and hybridizations, as well as their manifest consonances and dissonances. These are phenomenology and critical theory, two philosophical currents that, however, rarely engaged in an explicit and deep dialogue. This dialogue is precisely what this issue seeks to provoke, assuming an interdisciplinary approach, in debate with other authors and contemporary currents of thought. And it does so from the conviction that the most fascinating thing about current thought does not lie in a particular current, but nor in the sum of several. The true strength of contemporary thought lies rather in the tensional polemos that goes from one current to another, within the framework of a kaleidoscopic and polymorphous landscape. With this, the aim is to enrich the study and appropriation of the two currents in question, thus helping to deepen and problematize the critical scope of phenomenology in historical-social praxis, as well as the ontological and theoretical foundations of critical theory. Given the confusion and unrest prevalent in our historical world, it becomes necessary to rescue the great currents of thought that have engraved their names with golden letters in the sky of ideas: we walk on the shoulders of giants. But it is necessary to do it from a critical point of view, through deconstructive and also creative work, in light of contemporary phenomena and their impact on our modus vivendi and our vision of the world. From this perspective, the following thematic axes are proposed for the preparation of articles, with the expectation of contributing to outlining a line of work in our time, characterized both by its critical vocation and by a committed philosophical craft.

  • Critical reception of phenomenology in critical theory.
  • Ethical-political derivatives of phenomenology in critical theory.
  • Phenomenology and critical theory in contemporary philosophy.
  • Phenomenology and critical theory in and from Latin America.
  • Phenomenology, critical theory and new arts: aesthetic perspectives.

The maximum deadline for submitting articles is until July 30, 2023. Submissions must be made through the journal's OJS: Articles must use the APA citation format (seventh edition), must be unpublished and must not be sent simultaneously to another journal. The minimum length is 12 pages and the maximum 25; In both cases you must send a .docx or .doc file in letter format, 2.5 margins and 1.5 line spacing. In the case of reviews, the minimum length is 5 pages and the maximum is 10 with the same formal requirements as articles. For more detail you can review the guidelines for authors: Any questions can be written to the director of the magazine, Jesús Ayala-Colqui: