Call for Paper 3(2) Philosophical hermeneutics in the educational context
Latin American Journal of Humanities and Educational Divergences is a biannual open access publication, edited by Grupo J. J. San Marcos (Peru), which aims to disseminate research in the field of humanities and education that problematize critical topics on contemporary society in order to contribute to its fair, symmetrical and dignified transformation. The journal receives unpublished and original works of a scientific nature, especially scientific articles (qualitative and/or quantitative research, as well as conceptual reflections), book reviews and occasionally interviews.
For the call for its fourth issue, the journal organizes a dossier on Philosophical Hermeneutics in the Educational Context, having as guest editor the researcher Carmen Marina Méndez Cabrita (Professor of Philosophy of Law, Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes, Tulcán Carchi, Ecuador), a topic widely developed by thinkers such as Gadamer and Paul Ricoeur, according to Cabrita (2023), focuses on interpretation as a fundamental process of human understanding. In the educational context, philosophical hermeneutics offers a deep and reflective approach that challenges traditional methodologies, inviting us to rethink education as a dialogical and interpretive process. It examines how philosophical hermeneutics can enrich both educational theory and practice, especially teaching-learning can transform the classroom into a space for critical reflection, where students and teachers collaborate to build shared meanings. In an increasingly complex and diverse world, this approach offers an invaluable framework for meeting contemporary educational challenges and preparing future generations to participate in a plural and dynamic society.
- Origins of philosophical hermeneutics
- Teaching-learning as a dialogue
- Interpretation and understanding in the classroom
- Integration of hermeneutics in teacher training
- Education in the digital age
- The teacher as interpreter and mediator
- Intercultural education and philosophical hermeneutics
The deadline for submission of contributions is November 30, 2024. Submissions must be made through the journal's OJS: Articles must use the APA citation format (seventh edition), must be unpublished and must not be submitted simultaneously to another journal. The minimum length is 12 pages and the maximum is 25; both must be submitted in .docx or .doc in letter format, with 2.5 margins and 1.5 line spacing. In the case of reviews, the minimum length is 5 pages and the maximum is 10 with the same formal requirements as articles. For more details, you can review the guidelines for authors: Any questions can be written to the director of the magazine, Irma Baldovinos Leyva :