
I Latin American Congress of Social Sciences

The objective of this “I Latin American Congress of Social Sciences” is to promote academic exchange and the dissemination of knowledge in the field of Social Sciences in Latin America. We seek to create an inclusive and collaborative space that promotes the presentation and discussion of innovative and relevant research work.

The dissemination of research work is of vital importance for contributing to the generation of knowledge. Therefore, through this event, we consider the realization of the following purposes:

  • Support for students who are joining in to carry out their own research activities.
  • Contribute to the strengthening of academic networks and the construction of the scientific community in Social Sciences at the Latin American level.
  • Facilitate the convergence of researchers, academics and professionals of Social Sciences from Latin America to share their discoveries, experiences and perspectives.
  • Promote the development of research in the region, encouraging the presentation of original works that address contemporary social problems.
  • Provide a platform that encourages interdisciplinary dialogue, promoting collaboration between various areas of study within the Social Sciences.

Due to what has been mentioned, for this First Congress, the following forms of participation are included:

  • Presentation. Virtual space where the progress or results of some research will be presented according to the thematic axis.
  • Publication in dossier of the chapter or essay. Space within the dossier according to the thematic axis, which will be published in the RELACIS magazine.

Thematic lines:

  • Business Studies
  • Environmental and Social Sciences
  • Educational Sciences
  • Legal Sciences and Crime Prevention
  • Epidemiology and Society
  • Challenges and developments in Psychology
  • Network Technology
  • Real Estate Valuation



All students, teachers, professors and researchers interested in exposing and publicizing their research work with the scientific community and who are part of the ICALC NETWORK – Hipócrates University – Institutions and/or networks that have an agreement with the aforementioned. To send your manuscripts you must register on the magazine's platform. Watch video on how to register.



Official launch of the May 2024 congress

Deadline dates for receipt of proposals

June 28, 2024

Deadline dates for receipt of extensions

July 16, 2024

Extensive review date July 10 to August 25, 2024

Deadline for sending corrected works by the author

August 31, 2024

Delivery of certificates for publication to the author or authors

From November 4 to 9, 2024

Submission of presentation

September 14


October 25 - 26 -27, 2024



The participant will send (2) files to the following email: (email for abstracts).

  • File 1: Summary (on a single sheet or page).
  • File 2: General author information (res)



Title of the abstract (Spanish - maximum of 16 words: left justified without a full stop. Times New Roman font, 16 points; in bold format and single spacing)

Title in English language


It should be between 150 and 250 words. You must include the following points clearly and precisely. Objective or purpose of the research. You must describe some of the following elements according to your work carried out, which may be: paradigm, method, approach, design, type and/or section, context, population or research sample, variables and/or categories. You can briefly comment on some technique and instrument applied without specifying it in detail. Some general results or conclusions (without being a literal part of the conclusions or discussion). The writing of the writing will be in the third person. References are NOT included in this section.

Keywords (Spanish): word, word two, word three, word four, word five.


Translation into English of the presented abstract.

Keywords: xxxx, xxxx, xxxx, xxxx, xxxxx

NOTE: If your work to be applied for is an essay, consider the following structure for your summary: It should be between 150 and 250 words, justified, in a single paragraph, written in the third person and in the past tense, single-spaced the entire paragraph. It should provide a concise and complete overview of the content. Placing the reader in the context of the research, you must specify the objective or research question. Describe the method applied and/or state whether it is an analysis or a reflection. Synthesis of main results or findings without going into details. Highlight the key results of the trial. It should NOT contain textual citations, abbreviations and bibliographic references. Font: Times New Roman size 11. Single line spacing.



It is recommended for your presentation to consider a maximum of 11 slides and/or plates. Consider the time you will have to make your presentation.

Time for the speaker's presentation:

  • Minimum time: 9 minutes
  • Maximum time: 12 minutes
  • Timeout notice when missing: 1 minute
  • Time for questions and/or comments: 5 minutes

Requirements of the presentations:

  • PowerPoint file.
  • Send your presentation so that the organizers have a backup and can screen it in case participants have problems sharing it. Check the shipping deadline.

The cover of the presentation must contain:

  • The title of the topic to be presented.
  • Paternal name(s) and surname, maternal surname of author and/or authors who participated in the completion of the work.
  • The Logo or Emblem of your institution.
  • Email (optional)
  • Orcid (optional)


  • Synthesis, clarity, precision and congruence: the speaker must present his or her work concisely, in summary and using clear language for the audience.
  • Take care of the amount of text on each slide.
  • Images. Manage images appropriately.
  • Audios/videos. You can rely on auditory and video playback resources. Previously verify the proper reproduction of these resources.
  • You must acknowledge the sources consulted that served as support for your presentation.
  • Lightning. Check beforehand that you have sufficient lighting when projecting your image.
  • Check in advance that the place from which you will give the presentation is free from generating external noises that may disturb or distract you when giving your presentation.
  • Check your equipment to make sure it is in optimal condition, check your presentation file. Check your microphone and camera to avoid technical details at the time of power. Check your connections on both your computer equipment and your internet service.



Scientific works derived from research that is in progress or that have already been completed will be published. They may be carried out under a bibliographic review product, empirical, theoretical or documentary research, methodological results, as long as they are related to the areas and themes indicated for each Dossier.

The Dossier will be made up of several chapters and/or essays, which will have the structure of a book chapter.

  • Only original and unpublished works that are not linked to other publications will be accepted and the right to make modifications will be reserved in a way that the coordinators consider appropriate.
  • The Dossier privileges both works resulting from research and theoretical reflection or discussion of problems from any theoretical-epistemological approach to scientific research.
  • A first review is carried out by the editing area, and if in this first review the works do not comply with the regulations, it will be returned to the author, attaching comments and observations.
  • Once the first review is approved, all chapters and/or essays will be sent for review and critical evaluation by the double-blind system.
  • The bibliographic references of the extensive ones must be updated (preferably, period of the last five years).
  • The chapter or essay that needs modification is returned to the author for correction and a list of recommended modifications is attached. Who must respond within a period of no more than ten (10) days.
  • The opinion will be carried out following the double-blind modality, this implies omitting the name of the author or authors and preserving the anonymity of the adjudicator.
  • Chapters and Essays (the full file) must be sent exclusively through the OJS system.


Chapter structure

The works must be divided into sections in the following order:

  1. Title (Spanish)
  2. Title (English)
  3. Summary
  4. Keywords
  5. Abstract
  6. Key Words
  7. Introduction
  8. Methodology
  9. Results
  10. Discussion
  11. Conclusions
  12. References


Essay structure

The works must be divided into sections in the following order:

  1. Title (Spanish)
  2. Title (English)
  3. Summary
  4. Keywords
  5. Abstract
  6. Key Words
  7. Introduction
  8. Development
  9. Conclusion
  10. References

The links to download the templates are attached: